
If you are booking accommodation before the start of the new academic year then you will be able to book your room at the same time as making an application. Your booking is completed after you have signed your licence agreement and paid your deposit.

If you apply during the academic year, or you are late booking and no rooms are available, then you can make an application and a member of the team will send you an offer of accommodation as soon as a space is available for you. We understand that it will be disappointing if there is no space available but it is important you make sure you have a place to stay before arriving at the university, so if you have not made a booking or had an offer before you come to the University, please book a hotel or hostel so you have a place to stay.

You will be able to talk to the team about your options after arrival and we can give you information about private housing options, if no space in halls is available to offer to you.